couple-happy Cuisle Cancer Support

Thank you so much for choosing to donate to Cuisle, we very much appreciate this support. Please let us know at 057-8681492 or email if we can help in any way such as with advice, sponsorship cards etc. Every cent goes to the provision of services at the Cuisle Cancer Support Centre in Portlaoise and Kildare (Charity no: CHY 16450).

How your donation helps:

  • €5 covers the cost of an aromatherapy essential oil.
  • €10 covers the cost of massage oil for reflexology.
  • €50 covers the cost of a counselling or therapy session.
  • €100-€150 covers the cost of an expert speaker.
  • €500-€1000 covers the cost of a wellness programme.

Alternatively, scan the QR code to make a quick donation of your choice through PayPal

Donating – Did You Know?

If you are a tax payer and kindly donate €250 or more, Cuisle Cancer Support can reclaim the tax paid on your donation.

The minimum donation in any year that can be set against Income Tax is €250, there is no maximum qualifying donation. Donations made by instalments (e.g., Standing Order) will also qualify. The individual PAYE donor must complete an Appropriate Certificate available at and forward it to the Cuisle Centre to allow us to reclaim the tax associated with the donation (Charity no: CHY 16450)

For example, based on current revenue figures, your €250 donation would be worth an additional €112.32 per annum to Cuisle Cancer Support, at no additional cost to you.

For Cuisle Cancer Support to reclaim the tax benefit please download the form below and email your signed copy to

Thank you for your continued support.

Strides for life group CUISLE CANCER SUPPORT

Bank Transfer/ Standing Order

Thank you. If you would like to set up a standing order or make a direct bank transfer/lodgement, please contact us by telephone at 057 – 8681492 for our bank details.

Donate By Post

Please send cheques, postal orders, bank drafts etc. to: The Cuisle Centre, Block Rd, Portlaoise, Co. Laois. R32 Y8P2. Please include a name and address so that we may send you a receipt.

Other Ways to Donate

Without your help, Cuisle Cancer Support cannot provide the level of service that it does today. Your generosity helps keeps Cuisle Cancer Support Services free for those we support. All donations really matter. For supporting us, we would like to say thank you.