Governance at the Cuisle Cancer Support Centre

The Cuisle Cancer Support Centre is  a voluntary charitable organisation which is governed by a Board of Directors.

Charity No  CHY 16450  assigned by the Revenue Commissioners

Charity Registration Number 20059293 assigned by the Charities Regulatory Authority and a company limited by guarantee.

Registered address is Block Rd, Portlaoise. Co Laois. R32 Y8P2

A voluntary Board of Directors governs activity in the centre in achieving goals and optimising the use of all resources whilst ensuring high standards of transparency and accountability within necessary legislation and the Irish Charity Regulation guidelines. Our Board of Directors meet on a quarterly basis or intermittently as necessary. The Board do not receive any fees or expenses for their work or time.

The Irish Charity Regulators Governance Code sets out the minimum standards that board members should meet to effectively manage and control their charity. Our accounts are independently audited annually by Avid Partners. 7/8 Old Mill, Church Avenue, Portlaoise, Co Laois, R32 VA4P. As of 2021, it is mandatory for the Cuisle centre to declare our compliance with the code when we submit our Annual Report and will be available to the public on the Charity Regulator’ website. The six principles of governance are:

  • Advancing charitable purpose
  • Behaving with integrity
  • Leading people
  • Exercising control
  • Working effectively
  • Being accountable and transparent

Responsibility for the day-to-day management is delegated by the Board to our Chairperson who is supported by the management , staff and volunteers. Cuisle believes that trust and public confidence is vital in ensuring that we can continue to carry out our mission to support people affected by cancer. We are committed to making every effort to ensure that our activities are open and transparent and that donations and grants are spent in the most effective way possible.

Donor Charter

Our pledge is to treat everyone with respect, honesty and openness. We commit to being accountable and transparent so that donors and prospective donors can have full confidence in Cuisle.

We commit to our donors and prospective donors to:

  • Use donations for the purposes for which they are given
  • Provide appropriate acknowledgement and recognition
  • Be professional in our relationships and dealings
  • Advise whether those seeking donations on our behalf are volunteers, employees of the organisation or hired third-party agents
  • Make procedures easily available for making and responding to complaints
  • Delete personal details from mailing lists and to inform donors if the organisation intends to share mailing lists with third-parties

Disclosure Statement

The Cuisle Cancer Support centre is open about whether those seeking donations on its behalf are volunteers or employees of the organisation.

Anyone fundraising on behalf of Cuisle must ensure that prospective donors are aware of their status, i.e. volunteers.

A letter of authorization is given to volunteers fundraising on our behalf and staff will provide their details if requested.


The Cuisle Cancer Support centre’s    Board of Directors  has a policy of holding some funds on reserve  ,in accordance with best practice. This ensure that the organisation can adapt to unforeseen and challenging circumstances.

As an organisation committed to supporting more families, holding reserves is vital to the implementation of new services as the need arises.


If you have feedback or a complaint about any aspect of our work, you can contact the Cuisle Cancer Support Centre by email:, phone: 057-8681492 or post to The Manager, Cuisle Cancer Support Centre, Block Rd, Portlaoise. Co. Laois. R32 Y8P2. Your complaint will be dealt with by our manager who will aim to resolve the issue themselves or forward it to the most appropriate person to respond. Please give us as much information as possible and let us know how you would like us to respond to you, providing contact details.