Our Video Resources

At the Cuisle Cancer Support Centre we have put together a collection of videos to help you to practice your chosen complimentary therapy.

Mindfulness Videos

Rehabilitation Exercises

Flexibility and Lymphatic Drainage Sequences in Sitting or Lying

These flexibility routines are designed to stretch the body from head to toe and includes circulatory exercises and movements that can assist the flow of lymph fluid in the body. Lymph is a fluid that contains infection fighting cells. Combining breathing and movement encourages lymph flow through the lymph nodes. If you have been prescribed a compression garment for lymphoedema management please ensure that you wear it when completing this sequence of exercises. The lymphatic system relies on muscle contraction to move the lymph fluid throughout the body. It is a one way system. With lymphoedema the fluid gets congested or backed up. Gentle repetitive movements of the involved area help to get that fluid moving, the more you move the better for your lymphatic system.

This flexibility routine can also help address joint stiffness and muscle tightness during and after cancer treatment. Tissues continue to tighten for up to 2 years following completion of radiation therapy so for cancer survivors and people living with secondary cancer it is recommended and important to continue a daily stretching routine.

Build up to 10 repetitions of each exercise. You can practice one arm at a time or both arms together to make the exercise harder. Always practice the leg exercises one side at a time. This sequence can be practiced up to 3 times per day.

Diaphragmatic Breathing

Diaphragmatic breathing or abdominal breathing is a beneficial practice for everyone. It is beneficial to practice daily during and after cancer treatment. It is an essential and important part of managing lymphoedema and the health of your lymphatic system. It stimulates deeper lymphatic structures to increase lymphatic flow which aids the removal of toxins.

Diaphragmatic breathing practice after surgery like mastectomy can reduce volume and heaviness of fluid in the breast and arm. For lymphoedema in the legs lymph fluid needs to travel from the groin to the abdominal area to return to the heart. So for every part of the body this breathing technique is important. This technique is recommended daily at the start of every simple lymphatic drainage massage or lymphatic drainage exercise sequence.

3 to 5 breaths at a time, 3 times a day is recommended. If your upper chest moves a lot allow yourself more time in the position until you feel the belly rise and fall.

Benefits include:
* Promotes relaxation (slows the breathing rate, lowers heart rate and blood pressure)
* Improves lymphatic flow to assist with the removal of toxins and boost the immune system
* Relieves muscle tension
* Increases oxygen exchange which can improve concentration
* Strengthens the diaphragm
* Strengthens the abdominals which can improve posture
* Reduces stress and anxiety
* Helps to stretch and mobilize scar tissue after abdominal surgery including hysterectomy

For more information on any of our courses or programmes or if you have not found what you are looking for, please contact: 057-8681492 or email: info@cuislecancersupport.ie. Our courses are run based on demand so we will adjust as the need arises, please let us know if you have any suggestions. Our services are delivered free of charge and are financed principally by the fundraising efforts of volunteers and staff.